Are you a veteran in need of home repairs? Habitat for Humanity of Greater Peoria Area provides repairs and non-cosmetic improvements to low-income veteran households to help alleviate health and safety issues in and around their home. - Program is currently closed!
Must own a home within the Habitat Peoria Area (Peoria, Tazewell, Woodford, and Marshall counties)
The home must be owner-occupied and serve as the primary residence of owner(s) and veteran(s)
Veterans must demonstrate proof of veteran status
The home must be a single-family residence (apartments, duplexes, etc.) are not eligible.
Household income must be below current maximum income limits. (see chart below)
Must be willing to partner with Habitat Peoria by committing to sweat equity as “repayment”
Homeowners must be a U.S. Citizen or Permanent Legal Resident.
If chosen, all able-bodied residents (at least 18 years old) of the home must help volunteers complete project